Header file for AEPHEM library. More...
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | ae_plantbl_t |
For holding data on planetary ephemerides. More... | |
struct | ae_orbit_t |
For holding information on an orbit. More... | |
struct | ae_star_t |
For holding information on a star/planet. More... | |
struct | ae_jpl_handle_t |
For holding information on a JPL ephemeris file. More... | |
struct | ae_physical_term_t |
The coefficients for sine/cosine terms in a body's rotation data. More... | |
struct | ae_physical_t |
For holding information on a body's physical and rotational properties. More... | |
struct | ae_ring_geometry_t |
For storing information on a planet's (i.e., Saturn's) rings. More... | |
struct | ae_stokes_t |
For holding Stokes parameters. More... | |
struct | ae_saturn_temp_model_t |
For modelling Saturn's emission. More... | |
struct | ae_saturn_components_t |
struct | ae_planet_map_t |
For storing a planetary map. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | AE_DTR 1.7453292519943295769e-2 |
Degrees to radians. | |
#define | AE_RTD 5.7295779513082320877e1 |
Radians to degrees. | |
#define | AE_RTS 2.0626480624709635516e5 |
Arcseconds per radian. | |
#define | AE_STR 4.8481368110953599359e-6 |
Radians per arcsecond. | |
#define | AE_STD (1.0 / 3600.0) |
Degrees per arcsecond. | |
#define | AE_STDAY 0.00001157407407407407 |
Days per second. | |
#define | AE_COSSUN -0.014543897651582657 |
Cos(90d 50'). | |
#define | AE_COSZEN -9.8900378587411476e-3 |
Cos(90d 34'). | |
#define | AE_J2000 2451545.0 |
1.5 Jan 2000. | |
#define | AE_B1950 2433282.423 |
0.923 Jan 1950, Besselian. | |
#define | AE_J1900 2415020.0 |
0 Jan 1900. More... | |
#define | AE_MJD_START 2400000.5 |
The Julian Date when the Modified Julian Date begins. | |
#define | AE_AU 1.49597870691e8 |
Astronomical unit in km. | |
#define | AE_CLIGHT 2.99792458e5 |
Speed of light in km/s. | |
#define | AE_S_PER_D 86400.0 |
Number of seconds per day. | |
#define | AE_D_PER_S (1.0 / AE_S_PER_D) |
Number of days per second. More... | |
#define | AE_CLIGHT_AUD (86400.0 * AE_CLIGHT / AE_AU) |
The speed of light in AU / day. | |
#define | AE_R_EARTH 6378137.0 |
Radius of earth in m. More... | |
#define | AE_R_EARTH_AU (0.001 * AE_R_EARTH / AE_AU) |
Radius of the earth in AU. More... | |
#define | AE_E_M_RAT 81.300585 |
Earth/moon mass ratio. More... | |
#define | AE_FLAT 298.257222101 |
The reciprocal of flattening for the earth. More... | |
#define | AE_T_CMB 2.725 |
The temperature of the cosmic background radiation, in degrees kelvin. | |
#define | AE_JPL_HEAD_SIZE (5 * sizeof(double) + 41 * sizeof(int32_t)) |
Size of the JPL binary header. | |
#define | AE_JPL_CONST_LEN 6 |
Constant name lengths in JPL ephemerides. | |
#define | AE_N_SS_BODIES 16 |
Number of entries in ae_ss_bodies_t. | |
#define | AE_N_SS_BODIES_JPL 13 |
Number of bodies given in the JPL ephemeris. | |
#define | AE_PLANTBL_N_HARMONIC 18 |
Number of arguments for ae_plantbl_t. More... | |
#define | ae_get_d(a) ((double)((int)(a))) |
Extract the degrees/hours from a decimal angle/time. More... | |
#define | ae_get_m(a) ((double)fabs(((int)(((a) - ae_get_d(a)) * 60)))) |
Extract the minutes from a decimal angle/time. More... | |
#define | ae_get_s(a) (fabs(((a) - ae_get_d(a) - ((double)((int)(((a) - ae_get_d(a)) * 60))) / 60) * 3600)) |
Extract the seconds from a decimal angle/time. More... | |
#define | ae_dms_fmt "%dd %d' %.2f\"" |
Defines a format string for printing D:M:S. More... | |
#define | ae_dms_sfmt "%4dd %02d' %05.2f\"" |
Defines a format string for printing D:M:S with fixed spacing. More... | |
#define | ae_dms_arg(a) (int)ae_get_d(a), (int)ae_get_m(a), ae_get_s(a) |
Defines the arguments for printing D:M:S. More... | |
#define | ae_hms_fmt "%dh %dm %.2fs" |
Defines a format string for printing H:M:S. More... | |
#define | ae_hms_sfmt "%3dh %02dm %05.2fs" |
Defines a format string for printing H:M:S with fixed spacing. More... | |
#define | ae_hms_arg(a) (int)ae_get_d(a / 15.0), (int)ae_get_m(a / 15.0), ae_get_s(a / 15.0) |
Defines the arguments for printing D:M:S. More... | |
Functions | |
void | ae_altaz_to_radec (double last, double glat, double alt, double az, double *ra, double *dec) |
Convert alt/az to ra/dec. More... | |
void | ae_annual_aberration (double v_earth[], double p[], int direction) |
Correct for the annual aberration. More... | |
double | ae_cal_to_jd (long year, int month, double day) |
Calculate Julian date from a Gregorian calendar date. More... | |
int | ae_cat_to_constel_index (const char *cat_name, char *full_name, int len) |
Given a catalogue star name, find a star's constellation. More... | |
int | ae_coord_to_constel_index (double ra, double dec, double epoch) |
Given a sky coordinate, find the constellation it is in. More... | |
double | ae_ctime_to_jd (double t) |
Convert a C time to a Julian date. More... | |
double | ae_ctime_to_last (double t, double delta_t, double tlong, double nutl, double eps) |
Calculate the local apparent sidereal time from a C time. More... | |
double | aes_ctime_to_last (double t, double tlong) |
Calculate the local sidereal time from a C time. More... | |
double | ae_delta_t (double jd_ut1) |
Get the value of delta T == Ephemeris Time - Universal Time. More... | |
void | ae_delta_q (double q0[], double q1[], double *dra, double *ddec) |
Convert change in rectangular coordinatates to change in ra/dec. More... | |
double | ae_disc_semiminor (double a, double c, double lat) |
Calculate the semi-minor axis of an observed disc. More... | |
double | ae_disc_solid_angle (double a, double b, double dist) |
Calculate the solid angle of an observed disc. More... | |
double | aes_disc_solid_angle (double jd_ut1, const struct ae_orbit_t *o_orb, const struct ae_orbit_t *q_orb, const struct ae_physical_t *phys) |
Calculate the solid angle of an observed disc. More... | |
void | ae_diurnal_aberration (double last, double tlat, double trho, int direction, double *ra, double *dec) |
Correct for diurnal aberration. More... | |
void | ae_diurnal_parallax (double last, double tlat, double trho, double dist, double *ra, double *dec) |
Correct for diurnal parallax. More... | |
double | ae_dut1 (double jd_utc) |
Given a UTC, return DUT1. More... | |
double | ae_epsilon (double jd_tt) |
Calculate the obliquity of the ecliptic. More... | |
void | ae_fk4_to_fk5 (struct ae_star_t *star) |
Convert FK4 B1950.0 catalogue coordinates to FK5 J2000.0 coordinates. More... | |
void | ae_geocentric (double jd_tt, double q[], double e[], double v_e[], double *ra, double *dec, double *dist) |
Given heliocentric coordinates, reduce to geocentric coordinates. More... | |
void | ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit (double jd_tt, const struct ae_orbit_t *o_orb, double *ra, double *dec, double *dist) |
Calculate the geocentric coordinates of the moon from orbital elements. More... | |
void | ae_geocentric_from_cat (double jd_tt, double e[], double v_e[], const struct ae_star_t *star, double *ra, double *dec) |
Reduce a star's catalogue coordinates to its apparent place. More... | |
int | ae_geocentric_from_jpl (struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh, double jd_tt, int obj_num, double *ra, double *dec, double *dist) |
Determine geocentric coordinates using JPL ephemerides. More... | |
void | ae_geocentric_from_orbit (double jd_tt, const struct ae_orbit_t *o_orb, const struct ae_orbit_t *q_orb, double *ra, double *dec, double *dist) |
Determine geocentric coordinates using orbital elements. More... | |
void | ae_geocentric_sun_from_orbit (double jd_tt, const struct ae_orbit_t *o_orb, double *ra, double *dec, double *dist) |
Calculate the geocentric coordinates of the sun from orbital elements. More... | |
void | ae_geocentric_lat (double glat, double height, double *tlat, double *trho) |
Calculate the geocentric latitude and the distance to the earth's centre. More... | |
int | ae_read_orbit_from_cat (const char *path, const char *name, struct ae_orbit_t *orb) |
Parse orbital elements from a catalogue file. More... | |
int | ae_read_star_from_cat (const char *path, const char *name, struct ae_star_t *star) |
Parse star positional data from a catalogue file. More... | |
void | ae_gmoon (double jd, double rect[], double pol[]) |
Compute geocentric moon position. More... | |
double | ae_gmst (double jd_ut1, double jd_tt) |
Get the Greenwich mean sidereal time. More... | |
double | ae_gast (double jd_ut1, double jd_tt, double nutl, double eps) |
Get Greenwich apparent sidereal time. More... | |
double | ae_lmst (double jd_ut1, double jd_tt, double tlong) |
Get the local mean sidereal time. More... | |
double | ae_last (double jd_ut1, double jd_tt, double tlong, double nutl, double eps) |
Get the local apparent sidereal time. More... | |
double | aes_last (double jd_ut1, double tlong) |
Get the local apparent sidereal time. More... | |
void | ae_gplan (double jd_tt, struct ae_plantbl_t *plan, double pobj[]) |
Use a table to find a planet's polar, heliocentric position. More... | |
double | ae_g1plan (double jd_tt, struct ae_plantbl_t *plan) |
Accumulate the sum of trigonometric series in one variable. More... | |
void | ae_g2plan (double jd_tt, struct ae_plantbl_t *plan, double pobj[], double *lp_equinox) |
Accumulate the sum of trigonometric series in two variables. More... | |
void | ae_g3plan (double jd_tt, struct ae_plantbl_t *plan, double pobj[], int objnum) |
Accumulate the sum of trigonometric series in three variables. More... | |
void | ae_jd_to_cal (double jd, int *year, int *month, double *day) |
Calculate month, day, and year from a Julian date. More... | |
double | ae_jpl_get_const_val (const struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh, const char *const_name) |
Get the value of a constant defined in the JPL ephemeris header. More... | |
int | ae_jpl_init (const char *path, struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh) |
Initialise to use a JPL ephemeris file. More... | |
int | ae_jpl_init_ascii (const char *path, const char *header_path, int search_dates, struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh) |
Read a JPL ephemeris ASCII header. More... | |
int | ae_jpl_init_bin (const char *path, struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh) |
Read a JPL Ephemeris header in binary format. More... | |
int | ae_jpl_get_coords (struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh, double jd_tt, int obj_num, double r[], double v[], char is_planetary) |
Get object positions from a JPL ephemeris file. More... | |
void | ae_jpl_close (struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh) |
Finish with a JPL handle. More... | |
void | ae_kepler (double jd_tt, const struct ae_orbit_t *orb, double q[]) |
Find a Keplerian orbit. More... | |
double | ae_light_t (double p[], double q[], int do_retardation) |
Get light-travel time between two objects. More... | |
int | ae_light_t_jpl (struct ae_jpl_handle_t *jh, double jd_tt, double e[], int obj_num, double q[], double v_q[], char is_planetary) |
Get the apparent position of an object, corrected for light-travel time. More... | |
void | ae_light_t_orbit (double jd_tt, double e[], const struct ae_orbit_t *orb, double q[]) |
Get the apparent position of an object, corrected for light-travel time. More... | |
double | ae_mjd (double jd) |
Given a Julian Date, get the Modified Julian Date. More... | |
double | ae_mod_2pi (double x) |
Reduce x modulo 2 pi. More... | |
double | ae_mod_360 (double x) |
Reduce x modulo 360 degrees. More... | |
double | ae_mod_180 (double x) |
Reduce x modulo 360 degrees, but centre at 0 degrees. More... | |
void | ae_nutation_lon_ob (double jd_tt, double *nutl, double *nuto) |
Calculate the nutation in longitude and oblation. More... | |
void | ae_nutate (double nutl, double nuto, double eps, double p[], int direction) |
Correct for nutation. More... | |
void | aes_nutate (double jd_tt, double p[], int direction) |
Correct for nutation. More... | |
void | ae_phys_pole (double jd_ut1, double jd_tt, const struct ae_physical_t *phys, double n[], double *w) |
Calculate the axis of a body's north pole and its prime meridean. More... | |
int | ae_is_retrograde (const struct ae_physical_t *phys) |
Determine whether a body's rotation is retrograde. More... | |
void | ae_polar_to_rect (double ra, double dec, double radius, double rect[]) |
Convert ra/dec/radius to a rectangular vector. More... | |
void | ae_precess (double jd_tt, double r[], int direction) |
Precess a coordinate. More... | |
void | ae_radec_to_altaz (double last, double glat, double ra, double dec, double *alt, double *az) |
Convert ra/dec to alt/az. More... | |
void | ae_radec_to_gal (double ra, double dec, double *l, double *b, int fk5) |
Convert ra/dec to l/b (galactic coordinates). More... | |
void | ae_gal_to_radec (double ra, double dec, double *l, double *b, int fk5) |
Convert l/b (galactic coordinates) to ra/dec. More... | |
void | ae_rect_to_polar (const double rect[], double *ra, double *dec, double *radius) |
Convert an equatorial rectangular unit vector to ra/dec/radius. More... | |
void | ae_rect_to_polar_with_jd (double pp[], double jd, char ofdate, double polar[]) |
Convert equatorial rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates. More... | |
double | ae_refrac_visible (double alt, void *param) |
Atmospheric refraction correction (in visible bands). More... | |
double | ae_refrac_ulich (double alt, void *param) |
Atmospheric refraction correction (in millimetre bands). More... | |
void | ae_relativity (double p[], double q[], double o[]) |
Correct for light deflection due to solar gravitation. More... | |
const char * | ae_retcode_string (int retcode) |
For returning human readable return codes. More... | |
double | ae_tdb (double jd) |
Find Barycentric Dynamical Time from Terrestrial Dynamical Time. More... | |
void | ae_subobs_point (double j[], double n[], double w, double f, int retrograde, double *lat, double *lon) |
Calculate the sub-observer point. More... | |
void | aes_subobs_point (double jd_ut1, const struct ae_orbit_t *o_orb, const struct ae_orbit_t *q_orb, const struct ae_physical_t *phys, double *lat, double *lon, double *dist) |
Calculate the sub-observer point. More... | |
double | ae_flattening (const struct ae_physical_t *phys) |
Calculate a body's flattening. More... | |
void | ae_topocentric (double jd_tt, double jd_ut1, double tlat, double glat, double tlong, double trho, double(*refrac)(double, void *), void *refrac_param, double dist, double *ra, double *dec) |
Apply diurnal aberrations and calculate topocentric altitude and azimuth. More... | |
void | aes_topocentric (double jd_ut1, double glat, double tlong, double dist, double *ra, double *dec) |
Apply diurnal aberrations and calculate topocentric altitude and azimuth. More... | |
void | ae_v_orbit (double jd_tt, const struct ae_orbit_t *orb, double v[]) |
Calculate the velocity of an object as it moves in its orbit. More... | |
double | ae_zatan2 (double x, double y) |
Quadrant correct inverse circular tangent. More... | |
void | ae_map_saturn (double res, const struct ae_physical_t *b, const struct ae_ring_geometry_t *r, double inclination, const struct ae_saturn_temp_model_t *sm, struct ae_planet_map_t *map, struct ae_saturn_components_t *comp) |
int | ae_map_to_gnuplot (const struct ae_planet_map_t *map, char stokes, const char *path) |
void | ae_map_t_eff (const struct ae_planet_map_t *map, const struct ae_physical_t *b, double subobs_lat, double background, struct ae_stokes_t *t_eff) |
void | ae_saturn_t_eff (const struct ae_ring_geometry_t *r, const struct ae_saturn_temp_model_t *sm, const struct ae_saturn_components_t *components, struct ae_stokes_t *t_eff) |
void | ae_set_stokes (struct ae_stokes_t *s, double i, double q, double u, double v) |
void | ae_copy_stokes (const struct ae_stokes_t *origin, struct ae_stokes_t *dest) |
void | ae_saturn_components_alloc (int n_ring, struct ae_saturn_components_t *comp) |
void | ae_saturn_components_free (struct ae_saturn_components_t *comp) |
Variables | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_mercury |
Default orbital parameters for Mercury. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_venus |
Default orbital parameters for Venus. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_earth |
Default orbital parameters for Earth. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_mars |
Default orbital parameters for Mars. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_jupiter |
Default orbital parameters for Jupiter. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_saturn |
Default orbital parameters for Saturn. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_uranus |
Default orbital parameters for Uranus. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_neptune |
Default orbital parameters for Neptune. | |
struct ae_orbit_t | ae_orb_pluto |
Default orbital parameters for Pluto. | |
struct ae_orbit_t * | ae_orb_planet [] |
Pointers to the planetary orbit objects. More... | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_mer404 |
Ephemeris for Mercury. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_ven404 |
Ephemeris for Venus. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_ear404 |
Ephemeris for the earth-moon barycentre. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_mar404 |
Ephemeris for Mars. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_jup404 |
Ephemeris for Jupiter. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_sat404 |
Ephemeris for Saturn. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_ura404 |
Ephemeris for Uranus. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_nep404 |
Ephemeris for Neptune. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_plu404 |
Ephemeris for Pluto. | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_mlat404 |
Ephemeris for the moon. More... | |
struct ae_plantbl_t | ae_mlr404 |
Ephemeris data for the moon. More... | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_sun |
Physical parameters for the Sun. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_mercury |
Physical parameters for Mercury. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_venus |
Physical parameters for Venus. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_earth |
Physical parameters for Earth. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_mars |
Physical parameters for Mars. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_jupiter |
Physical parameters for Jupiter. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_saturn |
Physical parameters for Saturn. | |
struct ae_ring_geometry_t | ae_saturn_rings |
Physical parameters for Saturn's rings. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_uranus |
Physical parameters for Uranus. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_neptune |
Physical parameters for Neptune. | |
struct ae_physical_t | ae_phys_pluto |
Physical parameters for Pluto. | |
struct ae_physical_t * | ae_phys_planet [] |
Pointers to the planetary physical information objects. More... | |
struct ae_physical_term_t | ae_phys_no_term [] |
An empty series for ephemeride terms with no extra terms. | |
const char * | ae_constel_name [] |
A list of constellation names. More... | |
const char * | ae_ss_name [] |
The names of the solar system bodies. More... | |
Header file for AEPHEM library.
#define AE_D_PER_S (1.0 / AE_S_PER_D) |
Number of days per second.
Referenced by ae_ctime_to_last(), aes_ctime_to_last(), aes_last(), and aes_subobs_point().
Defines the arguments for printing D:M:S.
Use in conjunction with ae_dms_fmt.
#define ae_dms_fmt "%dd %d' %.2f\"" |
Defines a format string for printing D:M:S.
Use in conjuction with ae_dms_arg.
#define ae_dms_sfmt "%4dd %02d' %05.2f\"" |
Defines a format string for printing D:M:S with fixed spacing.
Use in conjuction with ae_dms_arg.
#define AE_E_M_RAT 81.300585 |
Earth/moon mass ratio.
Referenced by ae_jpl_init_ascii(), and ae_kepler_embofs().
#define AE_FLAT 298.257222101 |
The reciprocal of flattening for the earth.
Taken from the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) definitions.
Referenced by ae_geocentric_lat().
#define ae_get_d | ( | a | ) | ((double)((int)(a))) |
Extract the degrees/hours from a decimal angle/time.
a | The decimal angle. |
#define ae_get_m | ( | a | ) | ((double)fabs(((int)(((a) - ae_get_d(a)) * 60)))) |
Extract the minutes from a decimal angle/time.
a | The decimal angle. |
#define ae_get_s | ( | a | ) | (fabs(((a) - ae_get_d(a) - ((double)((int)(((a) - ae_get_d(a)) * 60))) / 60) * 3600)) |
Extract the seconds from a decimal angle/time.
a | The decimal angle. |
Defines the arguments for printing D:M:S.
Use in conjunction with ae_dms_fmt.
#define ae_hms_fmt "%dh %dm %.2fs" |
Defines a format string for printing H:M:S.
Use in conjuction with ae_hms_arg.
#define ae_hms_sfmt "%3dh %02dm %05.2fs" |
Defines a format string for printing H:M:S with fixed spacing.
Use in conjuction with ae_hms_arg.
#define AE_J1900 2415020.0 |
0 Jan 1900.
Referenced by ae_read_star_from_cat().
Number of arguments for ae_plantbl_t.
Referenced by ae_g1plan(), ae_g2plan(), and ae_g3plan().
#define AE_R_EARTH 6378137.0 |
Radius of earth in m.
Referenced by ae_diurnal_parallax(), and ae_geocentric_lat().
#define AE_R_EARTH_AU (0.001 * AE_R_EARTH / AE_AU) |
enum ae_retcode_t |
Error codes that functions might return.
Functions will generally return negative values, e.g., -AE_RET_BAD_PATH == -1, not AE_RET_BAD_PATH == 1.
enum ae_ss_bodies_t |
Enumerate Solar System bodies.
The first AE_N_SS_BODIES_JPL are in the the JPL ephemeris order. The rest are derived from these.
void ae_altaz_to_radec | ( | double | last, |
double | glat, | ||
double | alt, | ||
double | az, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec | ||
) |
Convert alt/az to ra/dec.
last | The local aparent sidereal time, in degrees. |
glat | The geodetic latitude, in degrees. |
alt | The altitude, in degrees. |
az | The azimuth, in degrees. |
ra | For returning the right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the declination, in degrees. |
References AE_DTR, ae_mod_360(), AE_RTD, and ae_zatan2().
Referenced by ae_topocentric().
void ae_annual_aberration | ( | double | v_earth[], |
double | p[], | ||
int | direction | ||
) |
Correct for the annual aberration.
See AA pages B17, B37, C24.
v_earth | The heliocentric rectangular velocity of Earth in AU per day. |
p | A unit vector pointing from the earth to the object; the corrected position is returned in this parameter. |
direction | To add aberration to p , pass AE_ADD_ABERRATION; to remove it, pass AE_REMOVE_ABERRATION; if neither is passed, then AE_REMOVE_ABERRATION is assumed. AE_ADD_ABERRATION is appropriate, for example, if one wishes to compute the apparent position of a star from a catalogue position, while AE_REMOVE_ABERRATION is appropriate, for example, if one wants to compute the true position of an observed star. |
References AE_ADD_ABERRATION, AE_CLIGHT_AUD, and ae_stokes_t::i.
Referenced by ae_geocentric(), and ae_geocentric_from_cat().
double ae_cal_to_jd | ( | long | year, |
int | month, | ||
double | day | ||
) |
Calculate Julian date from a Gregorian calendar date.
The Julian date is double precision floating point with the origin used by astronomers.
There is no year 0. Enter B.C. years as negative; i.e., 2 B.C. = -2.
The approximate range of dates handled is 4713 B.C. to 54,078 A.D. This should be adequate for most applications.
B.C. dates are calculated by extending the Gregorian sequence of leap years and century years into the past. This seems the only sensible definition, but it may not be the official one.
Note that the astronomical Julian day starts at noon on the previous calendar day. Thus at midnight in the morning of the present calendar day the Julian date ends in 0.5; it rolls over to tomorrow at noon today.
The month-finding algorithm is attributed to Meeus.
year | The Gregorian year. |
month | The month of the year, with January = 1, February = 2, etc. |
day | The fractional day of the month, starting at 1. |
Referenced by ae_ctime_to_jd().
int ae_cat_to_constel_index | ( | const char * | cat_name, |
char * | full_name, | ||
int | len | ||
) |
Given a catalogue star name, find a star's constellation.
Optionally get a full star-constellation name.
cat_name | The star name from the catalogue. It should be of the form {2-char Greek letter abbrev.}[-#]{3-char constellation name}({star name}). For example: `beCet(Diphda)', `al-2Lib(Zubenelgen)'. |
full_name | For returning an expanded star name; set to NULL if you do not need this. |
len | The length of full_name ; ignored if full_name is NULL. |
References AE_CONSTEL_N_CON, AE_CONSTEL_N_GREEK, ae_constel_name, ae_greek_letter_name, and ae_skip_white().
int ae_coord_to_constel_index | ( | double | ra, |
double | dec, | ||
double | epoch | ||
) |
Given a sky coordinate, find the constellation it is in.
ra | The right ascension. |
dec | The declination. |
epoch | The Julian date for the ra/dec coordinates. |
References ae_constel_boundary, AE_CONSTEL_N_BOUNDARIES, AE_FROM_J2000, ae_polar_to_rect(), ae_precess(), AE_RTD, and AE_TO_J2000.
double ae_ctime_to_jd | ( | double | t | ) |
Convert a C time to a Julian date.
The C time is the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds.
t | The C time at which to calculate the Julian date. |
References ae_cal_to_jd(), and AE_STDAY.
Referenced by ae_ctime_to_last(), and aes_ctime_to_last().
double ae_ctime_to_last | ( | double | t, |
double | delta_t, | ||
double | tlong, | ||
double | nutl, | ||
double | eps | ||
) |
Calculate the local apparent sidereal time from a C time.
The C time is the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds.
t | The UNIX time in UT1 measure at which to calculate the LST. |
delta_t | TT - UT1 (see ae_delta_t()), in seconds. |
tlong | The longitude of the observer, in degrees. |
nutl | The nutation in longitude in seconds of arc (see ae_nutation_lon_ob()). |
eps | The obliquity of the ecliptic in seconds of arc (see ae_epsilon()). |
References ae_ctime_to_jd(), AE_D_PER_S, ae_dut1(), and ae_last().
void ae_delta_q | ( | double | q0[], |
double | q1[], | ||
double * | dra, | ||
double * | ddec | ||
) |
Convert change in rectangular coordinatates to change in ra/dec.
For changes greater than about 0.1 degree, the coordinates are converted directly to ra and dec and the results subtracted. For small changes, the change is calculated to first order by differentiating to obtain
The change in declination is
q0 | The initial object - earth vector. |
q1 | The vector after motion or aberration. |
dra | The change in right ascension. |
ddec | The change in declination. |
References ae_zatan2().
double ae_delta_t | ( | double | jd_ut1 | ) |
Get the value of delta T == Ephemeris Time - Universal Time.
This routine uses the table ae_delta_t_tab for historic values and near-future predictions.
The program adjusts for a value of secular tidal acceleration ndot. It is -25.8 arcsec per century squared for JPL's DE403 ephemeris. ELP2000 and DE200 use the value -23.8946.
For dates earlier than the tabulated range, the program calculates approximate formulae of Stephenson and Morrison or K. M. Borkowski. These approximations have an estimated error of 15 minutes at 1500 B.C. They are not adjusted for small improvements in the current estimate of ndot because the formulas were derived from studies of ancient eclipses and other historical information, whose interpretation depends only partly on ndot.
A quadratic extrapolation formula, that agrees in value and slope with current data, predicts future values of deltaT.
jd_ut1 | The Julian date. |
References ae_delta_t_end_year, ae_delta_t_start_year, ae_delta_t_tab, and AE_J2000.
Referenced by aes_last(), aes_subobs_point(), and aes_topocentric().
double ae_disc_semiminor | ( | double | a, |
double | c, | ||
double | lat | ||
) |
Calculate the semi-minor axis of an observed disc.
When an oblate spheroid is viewed, it appears as an ellipse (to a sufficiently distant observer). This routine calculates the semi-minor axis (i.e., polar radius) of the projected ellipse.
a | The major axis (i.e., equatorial radius) of the planet. |
c | The minor axis (i.e., polar radius) of the planet. |
lat | The sub-observer latitude, in degrees. |
References AE_DTR.
Referenced by aes_disc_solid_angle().
double ae_disc_solid_angle | ( | double | a, |
double | b, | ||
double | dist | ||
) |
Calculate the solid angle of an observed disc.
It is assumed that the disc is elliptical. The semi-minor axis of the projected ellipse can be obtained from ae_disc_semiminor(). Note that this calculation assumes that the size of the disc is small compared to the distance of the observer.
a | The semi-major axis of the disc, in kilometres. |
b | The semi-minor axis of the disc, in kilometres. |
dist | The distance from the observer to the planet, in AU. |
References AE_AU.
Referenced by aes_disc_solid_angle().
void ae_diurnal_aberration | ( | double | last, |
double | tlat, | ||
double | trho, | ||
int | direction, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec | ||
) |
Correct for diurnal aberration.
This formula is less rigorous than the method used for annual aberration (see ae_annual_aberration()). However, the correction is small.
last | The local apparent sidereal time, in degrees. |
tlat | The geocentric latitude of the observer, in degrees. |
trho | The distance from the centre of the earth to the observer, in earth radii. |
direction | To add aberration to p , pass AE_ADD_ABERRATION; to remove it, pass AE_REMOVE_ABERRATION; if neither is passed, then AE_REMOVE_ABERRATION is assumed. AE_ADD_ABERRATION is appropriate, for example, if one wishes to compute the apparent position of a star from a catalogue position, while AE_REMOVE_ABERRATION is appropriate, for example, if one wants to compute the true position of an observed star. |
ra | The right ascension of the object, in degrees; this routine modifies this parameter to correct for diurnal aberration. |
dec | The declination of the object, in degrees; this routine modifies this parameter to correct for diurnal aberration. |
Referenced by ae_topocentric().
void ae_diurnal_parallax | ( | double | last, |
double | tlat, | ||
double | trho, | ||
double | dist, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec | ||
) |
Correct for diurnal parallax.
See AA page D3.
This function does not bother to calculate anything unless the equatorial horizontal parallax is at least 0.005".
last | The local apparent sidereal time, in degrees. |
tlat | The geocentric latitude of the observer, in degrees. |
trho | The distance from the centre of the earth to the observer, in earth radii. |
dist | The earth-object distance, in AU. |
ra | The right ascension of the object, in degrees; this routine modifies this parameter to correct for diurnal parallax. |
dec | The declination of the object, in degrees; this routine modifies this parameter to correct for diurnal parallax. |
References AE_AU, AE_DTR, AE_R_EARTH, AE_RTD, and ae_zatan2().
Referenced by ae_topocentric().
double ae_dut1 | ( | double | jd_utc | ) |
Given a UTC, return DUT1.
DUT1 is the offset between UTC and UT1, i.e., . Functions that find sidereal time expect UT1, so this function will be required to convert UTC if reasonable precision (better than roughly 10 seconds of arc).
Values are taken from a look-up table. Past values start on 19 May 1976 are are tabulated daily until the release date of this version of aephem. After this, predicted values are used through about one year.
If DUT1 is requested for a date before the tabulation starts, 0 will be returned. After the last predicted value, a value will be estimated using an interpolation formula.
Past values, predicted values and the interpolation formula were taken from the U.S. Naval Observatory IERS Bulletin A. This is available online at http://maia.usno.navy.mil/.
jd_utc | The Julian date in UTC. |
References ae_dut1_first_mjd, ae_dut1_last_mjd, ae_dut1_predict_mjd, ae_dut1_predict_offset, ae_dut1_predict_scale, ae_dut1_tab, and ae_mjd().
Referenced by ae_ctime_to_last(), and aes_ctime_to_last().
double ae_epsilon | ( | double | jd_tt | ) |
Calculate the obliquity of the ecliptic.
J. L. Simon, P. Bretagnon, J. Chapront, M. Chapront-Touze', G. Francou, and J. Laskar, "Numerical Expressions for precession formulae and mean elements for the Moon and the planets," Astronomy and Astrophysics 282, 663-683 (1994).
IAU Coefficients are from: J. H. Lieske, T. Lederle, W. Fricke, and B. Morando, "Expressions for the Precession Quantities Based upon the IAU (1976) System of Astronomical Constants," Astronomy and Astrophysics 58, 1-16 (1977).
Before or after 200 years from J2000, the formula used is from: J. Laskar, "Secular terms of classical planetary theories using the results of general theory," Astronomy and Astrophysics 157, 59070 (1986).
See precess.c and page B18 of the Astronomical Almanac.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
Referenced by ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit(), ae_gmoon(), ae_kepler(), ae_precess(), ae_rect_to_polar_with_jd(), ae_topocentric(), aes_last(), and aes_nutate().
void ae_fk4_to_fk5 | ( | struct ae_star_t * | el | ) |
Convert FK4 B1950.0 catalogue coordinates to FK5 J2000.0 coordinates.
See AA page B58.
el | The catalogue object to update to J2000.0. |
References AE_DTR, ae_fk4_to_fk5_abb, ae_fk4_to_fk5_abb_d, ae_fk4_to_fk5_mat, AE_J2000, AE_RTD, ae_zatan2(), ae_star_t::dec, ae_star_t::epoch, ae_star_t::mudec, ae_star_t::mura, ae_star_t::px, ae_star_t::ra, and ae_star_t::v.
Referenced by ae_geocentric_from_cat().
double ae_flattening | ( | const struct ae_physical_t * | phys | ) |
Calculate a body's flattening.
Takes the equatorial radius, , and polar radius,
, and calculates the flattening of the oblate sphere:
phys | The physical parameters of the body. |
References ae_physical_t::r_eq, and ae_physical_t::r_pole.
Referenced by aes_subobs_point().
double ae_g1plan | ( | double | jd_tt, |
struct ae_plantbl_t * | plan | ||
) |
Accumulate the sum of trigonometric series in one variable.
This is a generic routine to accumulate sum of trigonometric series in one variable of the same list of arguments.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
plan | A table of planetary orbit data. |
References ae_gplan_cc, ae_gplan_mean_element(), ae_gplan_ss, ae_gplan_sscc(), AE_J2000, AE_PLANTBL_N_HARMONIC, ae_plantbl_t::arg_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::lon_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::max_harmonic, ae_plantbl_t::timescale, and ae_plantbl_t::trunclvl.
Referenced by ae_gmoon().
void ae_g2plan | ( | double | jd_tt, |
struct ae_plantbl_t * | plan, | ||
double | pobj[], | ||
double * | lp_equinox | ||
) |
Accumulate the sum of trigonometric series in two variables.
This is a generic routine to accumulate sum of trigonometric series in two variables (e.g., longitude, radius) of the same list of arguments.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
plan | A table of planetary orbit data. |
pobj | For returning the polar position of the planet. |
lp_equinox | For returning the lp_equinox (?); set to NULL if it is not not needed |
References ae_gplan_cc, ae_gplan_mean_element(), ae_gplan_ss, ae_gplan_sscc(), AE_J2000, AE_PLANTBL_N_HARMONIC, AE_STR, ae_plantbl_t::arg_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::lon_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::max_harmonic, ae_plantbl_t::maxargs, ae_plantbl_t::rad_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::timescale, and ae_plantbl_t::trunclvl.
Referenced by ae_gmoon().
void ae_g3plan | ( | double | jd_tt, |
struct ae_plantbl_t * | plan, | ||
double | pobj[], | ||
int | objnum | ||
) |
Accumulate the sum of trigonometric series in three variables.
This is a generic program to accumulate sum of trigonometric series in three variables (e.g., longitude, latitude, radius) of the same list of arguments.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
plan | A table of planetary orbit data. |
pobj | For returning the polar position of the planet. |
objnum | The planet number. |
References ae_gplan_cc, ae_gplan_mean_element(), ae_gplan_ss, ae_gplan_sscc(), AE_J2000, AE_PLANTBL_N_HARMONIC, AE_STR, ae_plantbl_t::arg_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::distance, ae_plantbl_t::lat_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::lon_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::max_harmonic, ae_plantbl_t::maxargs, ae_plantbl_t::rad_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::timescale, and ae_plantbl_t::trunclvl.
Referenced by ae_kepler().
void ae_gal_to_radec | ( | double | l, |
double | b, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec, | ||
int | fk5 | ||
) |
Convert l/b (galactic coordinates) to ra/dec.
l | The galactic longitude, in degrees. |
b | The galactic latitude, in degrees. |
ra | For returning the right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the declination, in degrees. |
fk5 | If non-zero, assume FK5 system (i.e., J2000 compatible); if zero, use the old FK4 (B1950 compatible) galactic pole. |
References AE_DTR, ae_mod_360(), and AE_RTD.
double ae_gast | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
double | jd_tt, | ||
double | nutl, | ||
double | eps | ||
) |
Get Greenwich apparent sidereal time.
The Greenwich apparent sidereal time is the Greenwich mean sidereal time corrected for nutation. See ae_gmst() for reference.
jd_ut1 | The Julian date, in UT1. |
jd_tt | The Julian date, in TT. (See ae_delta_t().) |
nutl | The nutation in longitude in seconds of arc (see ae_nutation_lon_ob()). |
eps | The obliquity of the ecliptic in seconds of arc (see ae_epsilon()). |
References ae_gmst(), ae_mod_360(), AE_STD, and AE_STR.
Referenced by ae_last().
void ae_geocentric | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double | q[], | ||
double | e[], | ||
double | v_e[], | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec, | ||
double * | dist | ||
) |
Given heliocentric coordinates, reduce to geocentric coordinates.
This routine reduces heliocentric coordinates to equitorial coordinates. Unlike ae_geocentric_from_orbit() or ae_geocentric_from_jpl(), it does not automatically compute the heliocentric coordinates. This means that light travel-time is not automatically accounted for! The input position of the planet is what is used.
Corrections done during the reduction are: light deflection, annual aberration, precession and nutation.
This routine should be thought of as a macro. One can call the functions that perform the corrections listed above individually. This routine simply wraps them into one call.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
q | The heliocentric rectangular coordinates of the object being observed, in AU. |
e | The heliocentric rectangular coordinates of the earth, in AU. |
v_e | The velocity of the earth, in AU per day. |
ra | For returning the right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the declination, in degrees. |
dist | For returning the geocentric distance between earth and the object, in AU. Set to NULL if you do not require this value. |
References AE_ADD_ABERRATION, ae_annual_aberration(), AE_FROM_J2000, ae_precess(), ae_rect_to_polar(), ae_relativity(), and aes_nutate().
Referenced by ae_geocentric_from_jpl(), ae_geocentric_from_orbit(), ae_geocentric_sun_from_orbit(), and aes_subobs_point().
void ae_geocentric_from_cat | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double | e[], | ||
double | v_e[], | ||
const struct ae_star_t * | star, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec | ||
) |
Reduce a star's catalogue coordinates to its apparent place.
This routine puts the coordinates in J2000.0 (if not already there), and performs precession, proper motion, parallax, light deflection, aberration and nutation.
This routine should be thought of as a macro. One can call the functions that perform the corrections listed above individually. This routine simply wraps them into one call.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
e | The heliocentric rectangular coordinates of the earth, in AU. These can be obtained from ae_kepler() or ae_jpl_get_coords(). |
v_e | The velocity of the earth, in AU per day. This can be obtained from ae_v_orbit() or ae_jpl_get_coords(). |
star | The catalogue object. If it is in the FK4 B1950.0 coordinates, this routine will convert it to FK5 J2000.0 coordinates. |
ra | For returning the apparent (geocentric) right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the apparent (geocentric) declination, in degrees. |
References AE_ADD_ABERRATION, ae_annual_aberration(), AE_B1950, AE_DTR, ae_fk4_to_fk5(), AE_FROM_J2000, ae_precess(), ae_rect_to_polar(), ae_relativity(), AE_STR, AE_TO_J2000, aes_nutate(), ae_star_t::dec, ae_star_t::epoch, ae_star_t::mudec, ae_star_t::mura, ae_star_t::px, ae_star_t::ra, and ae_star_t::v.
int ae_geocentric_from_jpl | ( | struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh, |
double | jd_tt, | ||
int | obj_num, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec, | ||
double * | dist | ||
) |
Determine geocentric coordinates using JPL ephemerides.
This routine reduces the heliocentric equitorial coordinates, obtained by calling ae_jpl_get_coords(), to the geocentric right ascension and declination. The position is corrected for light travel time, light deflection, annual aberration, precession and nutation.
It is assumed that the JPL planetary ephemeris file is being used, since it automatically polls the file for Earth's position and velocity. If you are using a different ephemeris file, you cannot use this routine.
This routine should be thought of as a macro. One can call ae_jpl_get_coords() and the functions that perform the corrections listed above individually. This routine simply wraps them into one call.
To obtain geocentric coordinates from an orbital elements struct, use ae_geocentric_from_orbit().
jh | A handle initialised by ae_jpl_init(). |
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
obj_num | The object for which to get coordinates. If a planetary ephemeris file is being used, one can use the predefined ae_ss_bodies_t constants for clarity. |
ra | For returning the geocentric right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the geocentric declination, in degrees. |
dist | For returning the geocentric distance between earth and the object, in AU. Set to NULL if you do not require this value. |
References ae_geocentric(), ae_jpl_get_coords(), ae_light_t_jpl(), and AE_SS_EARTH.
void ae_geocentric_from_orbit | ( | double | jd_tt, |
const struct ae_orbit_t * | o_orb, | ||
const struct ae_orbit_t * | q_orb, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec, | ||
double * | dist | ||
) |
Determine geocentric coordinates using orbital elements.
This routine reduces the heliocentric equitorial coordinates, obtained by calling ae_kepler(), to the geocentric right ascension and declination. The position is corrected for light travel time, light deflection, annual aberration, precession and nutation.
This routine should be thought of as a macro. One can call ae_kepler() and the functions that perform the corrections listed above individually. This routine simply wraps them into one call.
To obtain geocentric coordinates from a JPL ephemeris file, use ae_geocentric_from_jpl().
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
o_orb | Orbital elements of the observer. |
q_orb | The orbital elements of the object. |
ra | For returning the geocentric right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the geocentric declination, in degrees. |
dist | For returning the geocentric distance between earth and the object, in AU. Set to NULL if you do not require this value. |
References ae_geocentric(), ae_kepler(), ae_light_t_orbit(), and ae_v_orbit().
void ae_geocentric_lat | ( | double | glat, |
double | height, | ||
double * | tlat, | ||
double * | trho | ||
) |
Calculate the geocentric latitude and the distance to the earth's centre.
This function uses the reciprocal of flattening and the earth's radius (or, more precisely, semi-major axis) from from the WGS84 definition. (See AE_FLAT and AE_R_EARTH.)
glat | The geodetic latitude of the observer, in degrees. |
height | The height of the observer above sea level, in metres. |
tlat | For returning the geocentric latitude, in degrees. |
trho | For returning the distance to the earth's centre, in earth radii. |
References AE_DTR, AE_FLAT, AE_R_EARTH, and AE_RTD.
Referenced by aes_topocentric().
void ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit | ( | double | jd_tt, |
const struct ae_orbit_t * | o_orb, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec, | ||
double * | dist | ||
) |
Calculate the geocentric coordinates of the moon from orbital elements.
Corrects for precession, nutation, annual aberration. Neglects light travel time.
Note that if using JPL ephemeris, one can use ae_geocentric_from_jpl() to do this calculation since the moon is an object in those ephemerides.
The Astronomical Almanac (Section D, Daily Polynomial Coefficients) seems to omit the annual aberration at one point, even though the reference ephemeris is inertial . . .
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
o_orb | Orbital elements of the observer. |
ra | For returning the geocentric right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the geocentric declination, in degrees. |
dist | For returning the geocentric distance between earth and the object, in AU. Set to NULL if you do not require this value. |
References AE_DTR, ae_epsilon(), AE_FROM_J2000, ae_gmoon(), ae_kepler(), ae_nutate(), ae_nutation_lon_ob(), AE_R_EARTH_AU, ae_rect_to_polar(), and AE_STR.
void ae_geocentric_sun_from_orbit | ( | double | jd_tt, |
const struct ae_orbit_t * | o_orb, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec, | ||
double * | dist | ||
) |
Calculate the geocentric coordinates of the sun from orbital elements.
Corrects for precession, nutation, annual aberration.
Note that if using JPL ephemeris, one can use ae_geocentric_from_jpl() to do this calculation since the sun is an object in those ephemerides.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
o_orb | Orbital elements of the observer. |
ra | For returning the geocentric right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the geocentric declination, in degrees. |
dist | For returning the geocentric distance between earth and the object, in AU. Set to NULL if you do not require this value. |
References ae_geocentric(), ae_kepler(), and ae_v_orbit().
void ae_gmoon | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double | rect[], | ||
double | pol[] | ||
) |
Compute geocentric moon position.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
rect | For returning the position in rectangular coordinates. |
pol | For returning the position in polar coordinates. |
References ae_epsilon(), ae_g1plan(), ae_g2plan(), ae_mlat404, ae_mlr404, AE_STR, and ae_plantbl_t::distance.
Referenced by ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit(), and ae_kepler_embofs().
double ae_gmst | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
double | jd_tt | ||
) |
Get the Greenwich mean sidereal time.
Get the mean sidereal time at Greenwich (i.e., longitude 0). The mean sidereal time does not include nutation corrections. Coefficients are from the IAU and can be found in:
jd_ut1 | The Julian date, in UT1. |
jd_tt | The Julian date, in TT. (See ae_delta_t().) |
References AE_J2000, ae_mod_360(), and AE_STD.
void ae_gplan | ( | double | jd_tt, |
struct ae_plantbl_t * | plan, | ||
double | pobj[] | ||
) |
Use a table to find a planet's polar, heliocentric position.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
plan | The planet's orbital table. |
pobj | For returning the polar position of the planet. |
References ae_gplan_cc, ae_gplan_freq, ae_gplan_mods3600, AE_GPLAN_N_HARMONIC, ae_gplan_phase, ae_gplan_ss, ae_gplan_sscc(), AE_J2000, AE_STR, ae_plantbl_t::arg_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::distance, ae_plantbl_t::lat_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::lon_tbl, ae_plantbl_t::max_harmonic, ae_plantbl_t::maxargs, ae_plantbl_t::rad_tbl, and ae_plantbl_t::timescale.
Referenced by ae_kepler().
int ae_is_retrograde | ( | const struct ae_physical_t * | phys | ) |
Determine whether a body's rotation is retrograde.
This function merely looks at the sign of the variable w_d in the struct ae_physical_t: negative values are retrograde.
phys | The body to examine. |
References ae_physical_t::w_d.
Referenced by aes_subobs_point().
void ae_jd_to_cal | ( | double | jd, |
int * | year, | ||
int * | month, | ||
double * | day | ||
) |
Calculate month, day, and year from a Julian date.
jd | A Julian day number. |
year | For returning the year of jd . |
month | For returning the month of jd , in the range [1:12]. |
day | For returning the fractional day of jd , with the first day of the month being 1. |
void ae_jpl_close | ( | struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh | ) |
Finish with a JPL handle.
Closes any open file pointers and frees any allocated arrays.
jh | A JPL handle. |
References ae_jpl_close_wrap().
double ae_jpl_get_const_val | ( | const struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh, |
const char * | const_name | ||
) |
Get the value of a constant defined in the JPL ephemeris header.
jh | An initialised JPL handle. |
const_name | The name of the constant, as it appears in the header. |
References AE_JPL_CONST_LEN, ae_jpl_handle_t::const_name, ae_jpl_handle_t::const_val, and ae_jpl_handle_t::n_const.
Referenced by ae_jpl_init_ascii().
int ae_jpl_get_coords | ( | struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh, |
double | jd_tt, | ||
int | obj_num, | ||
double | r[], | ||
double | v[], | ||
char | is_planetary | ||
) |
Get object positions from a JPL ephemeris file.
jh | A handle initialised by ae_jpl_init(). |
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
obj_num | The object for which to get coordinates. If a planetary ephemeris file is being used, one can use the predefined ae_ss_bodies_t constants for clarity. |
r | For returning the rectangular position coordinates, in AU; for nutations and librations, units are seconds of arc. |
v | For returning the rectangular velocity, in AU per day (or seconds of arc per day for nutations or librations) Set to NULL if you do not require this information (though setting to NULL does not make this routine faster). |
is_planetary | If 0, assume these are not planetary ephemerides and barycentric coordinates are returned. Otherwise, it will be assumed that a Solar System ephemeris file is being used and that the object numbers are as in ae_ss_bodies_t; heliocentric coordinates will be returned. |
References AE_AU, ae_jpl_cheby(), ae_jpl_get_block(), AE_N_SS_BODIES_JPL, AE_RET_BAD_JPL_DATE, AE_RET_BAD_OBJ_INDEX, AE_RTS, AE_SS_EARTH, AE_SS_EMBARY, AE_SS_LIBRATION, AE_SS_MOON, AE_SS_MOON_EMB, AE_SS_NUTATION, AE_SS_SSBARY, AE_SS_SUN, ae_jpl_handle_t::block, ae_jpl_handle_t::em_ratio, ae_jpl_handle_t::end, ae_jpl_handle_t::start, ae_jpl_handle_t::step, ae_jpl_handle_t::sun_pv, and ae_jpl_handle_t::sun_pv_t.
Referenced by ae_geocentric_from_jpl(), and ae_light_t_jpl().
int ae_jpl_init | ( | const char * | path, |
struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh | ||
) |
Initialise to use a JPL ephemeris file.
This function opens the file, determines whether it is binary or ASCII, and parses the header information. This information is stored in the handle jh
and is passed to subsequent JPL function calls.
If the ephemeris is in ASCII format and has a separate header file, use ae_jpl_init_ascii() instead.
If you know the format of the ephemeris file, you can use ae_jpl_init_bin() or ae_jpl_init_ascii() directly.
path | The location of the ephemeris file. |
jh | For returning an initialised handle. |
References ae_jpl_init_ascii(), ae_jpl_init_bin(), ae_jpl_handle_t::fp, and ae_jpl_handle_t::is_bin.
int ae_jpl_init_ascii | ( | const char * | path, |
const char * | header_path, | ||
int | search_dates, | ||
struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh | ||
) |
Read a JPL ephemeris ASCII header.
path | The location of the ephemeris file. |
header_path | Set to NULL, unless the header file is separate (as it might be an ASCII ephermeris). |
search_dates | Since JPL often splits its ASCII ephermerides into multiple files, the date range specified in the header might not correspond to the file being used. To search through the file to get the dates, set this to 1 (recommended). To trust the header, set to 0. |
jh | For returning an initialised handle, on success. |
References AE_AU, AE_E_M_RAT, ae_jpl_ascii_find_group(), ae_jpl_close_wrap(), AE_JPL_CONST_LEN, AE_JPL_DATA_GROUP, ae_jpl_get_const_val(), ae_jpl_init_common_end(), ae_jpl_init_common_start(), AE_JPL_MAXLINE, ae_jpl_read_ascii_float(), AE_RET_BAD_JPL_CORRUPT, AE_RET_BAD_JPL_HEADER, AE_RET_BAD_JPL_HEADER_KSIZE, AE_RET_BAD_JPL_HEADER_NUM, AE_RET_BAD_JPL_HEADER_RANGE, AE_RET_BAD_PATH, AE_RET_UNEXPECTED_EOF, ae_jpl_handle_t::ascii_start, ae_jpl_handle_t::au, ae_jpl_handle_t::const_name, ae_jpl_handle_t::const_val, ae_jpl_handle_t::em_ratio, ae_jpl_handle_t::end, ae_jpl_handle_t::ephemeris_version, ae_jpl_handle_t::fp, ae_jpl_handle_t::ipt, ae_jpl_handle_t::is_bin, ae_jpl_handle_t::n_coeff, ae_jpl_handle_t::n_const, ae_jpl_handle_t::rec_size, ae_jpl_handle_t::start, and ae_jpl_handle_t::step.
Referenced by ae_jpl_init().
int ae_jpl_init_bin | ( | const char * | path, |
struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh | ||
) |
Read a JPL Ephemeris header in binary format.
path | The location of the ephemeris file. |
jh | For returning an initialised handle, on success. |
References ae_jpl_close_wrap(), AE_JPL_CONST_LEN, AE_JPL_HEAD_SIZE, ae_jpl_init_common_end(), ae_jpl_init_common_start(), AE_RET_BAD_JPL_HEADER, AE_RET_BAD_PATH, AE_RET_UNEXPECTED_EOF, ae_swop_32_bit_val(), ae_swop_64_bit_val(), ae_jpl_handle_t::au, ae_jpl_handle_t::const_name, ae_jpl_handle_t::const_val, ae_jpl_handle_t::em_ratio, ae_jpl_handle_t::end, ae_jpl_handle_t::ephemeris_version, ae_jpl_handle_t::fp, ae_jpl_handle_t::ipt, ae_jpl_handle_t::is_bin, ae_jpl_handle_t::n_coeff, ae_jpl_handle_t::n_const, ae_jpl_handle_t::rec_size, ae_jpl_handle_t::start, ae_jpl_handle_t::step, and ae_jpl_handle_t::swop.
Referenced by ae_jpl_init().
void ae_kepler | ( | double | jd_tt, |
const struct ae_orbit_t * | orb, | ||
double | q[] | ||
) |
Find a Keplerian orbit.
This routine solves for a Keplerian orbit, given orbital parameters and the time.
The routine detects several cases of given orbital elements. If a program for perturbations is pointed to, it is called to calculate all the elements. If there is no program, then the mean longitude is calculated from the mean anomaly and daily motion. If the daily motion is not given, it is calculated by Kepler's law. If the eccentricity is given to be 1.0, it means that meandistance is really the perihelion distance, as in a comet specification, and the orbit is parabolic.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
orb | The orbital elements. |
q | For returning the heliocentric equatorial rectangular coordinates of the object, in AU. |
References ae_orbit_t::a, AE_DTR, ae_epsilon(), ae_g3plan(), ae_gplan(), AE_J2000, ae_kepler_embofs(), ae_mod_2pi(), ae_mod_360(), ae_precess(), AE_STR, AE_TO_J2000, ae_zatan2(), ae_orbit_t::dm, ae_orbit_t::ecc, ae_orbit_t::epoch, ae_orbit_t::equinox, ae_orbit_t::i, ae_orbit_t::L, ae_orbit_t::M, ae_orbit_t::name, ae_orbit_t::ptable, ae_orbit_t::W, and ae_orbit_t::w.
Referenced by ae_geocentric_from_orbit(), ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit(), ae_geocentric_sun_from_orbit(), ae_light_t_orbit(), ae_v_orbit(), and aes_subobs_point().
double ae_last | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
double | jd_tt, | ||
double | tlong, | ||
double | nutl, | ||
double | eps | ||
) |
Get the local apparent sidereal time.
The local apparent sidereal time is simply the Greenwich apparent sidereal time plus the local longitude. See ae_gast().
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1. |
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. (See ae_gast().) |
tlong | The longitude of the observer in degrees. |
nutl | The nutation in longitude in seconds of arc (see ae_nutation_lon_ob()). |
eps | The obliquity of the ecliptic in seconds of arc (see ae_epsilon()). |
References ae_gast(), and ae_mod_360().
Referenced by ae_ctime_to_last(), ae_topocentric(), and aes_last().
double ae_light_t | ( | double | p[], |
double | q[], | ||
int | do_retardation | ||
) |
Get light-travel time between two objects.
Given the position of two objects in heliocentric equatorial rectangular coordinates, returns the light-travel time between them. To correct for light-travel time, this should be done iteratively a couple of times. The routines ae_light_t_jpl() and ae_light_t_orbit() do this automatically.
This routine can approximate the effect due to the sun's gravitational retardation (AA, p. 36). However, it is usually a small effect. It will blow up if one of the objects is the sun.
p | The first object, in heliocentric rectangular coordinates, in AU. |
q | The second object, in heliocentric rectangular coordinates, in AU. |
do_retardation | If 0, neglect gravitational retardation from the sun; otherwise, compute gravitational retardation from the sun. |
References AE_CLIGHT_AUD.
Referenced by ae_light_t_jpl(), ae_light_t_orbit(), and aes_subobs_point().
int ae_light_t_jpl | ( | struct ae_jpl_handle_t * | jh, |
double | jd_tt, | ||
double | o[], | ||
int | obj_num, | ||
double | q[], | ||
double | v_q[], | ||
char | is_planetary | ||
) |
Get the apparent position of an object, corrected for light-travel time.
The routine does three iterations of light-time correction. Gravitational retardation from the sun is neglected. (However, it can be added if necessary by using ae_light_t() directly.)
This function uses JPL ephemerides. For orbital elements, use ae_light_t_orbit().
jh | A handle initialised by ae_jpl_init(). |
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
o | The heliocentric rectangular position of the earth, in AU. |
obj_num | The object for which to get coordinates. If a planetary ephemeris file is being used, one can use the predefined ae_ss_bodies_t constants for clarity. |
q | For returning the heliocentric rectangular position of the object in AU. |
v_q | For returning the velocity of the object in AU. Set to NULL if you do not require the velocity. |
is_planetary | If 0, assume these are not planetary ephemerides and barycentric coordinates are returned. Otherwise, it will be assumed that a Solar System ephemeris file is being used and that the object numbers are as in ae_ss_bodies_t; heliocentric coordinates will be returned. |
References ae_jpl_get_coords(), and ae_light_t().
Referenced by ae_geocentric_from_jpl().
void ae_light_t_orbit | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double | o[], | ||
const struct ae_orbit_t * | orb, | ||
double | q[] | ||
) |
Get the apparent position of an object, corrected for light-travel time.
The routine does three iterations of light-time correction. Gravitational retardation from the sun is neglected. (However, it can be added if necessary by using ae_light_t() directly.)
This routine uses orbital elements. For JPL ephemerides, use ae_light_t_jpl().
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
o | The heliocentric rectangular position of the observer, in AU. |
orb | The orbital elements of the object. |
q | For returning the heliocentric rectangular position of the object in AU. |
References ae_kepler(), and ae_light_t().
Referenced by ae_geocentric_from_orbit().
double ae_lmst | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
double | jd_tt, | ||
double | tlong | ||
) |
Get the local mean sidereal time.
The local mean sidereal time is simply the Greenwich mean sidereal time plus the local longitude. See ae_gmst().
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1. |
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. (See ae_delta_t().) |
tlong | The longitude of the observer in degrees. |
References ae_gmst(), and ae_mod_360().
double ae_mjd | ( | double | jd | ) |
Given a Julian Date, get the Modified Julian Date.
The difference between the two is simply a constant, AE_MJD_START.
References AE_MJD_START.
Referenced by ae_dut1().
double ae_mod_180 | ( | double | x | ) |
Reduce x modulo 360 degrees, but centre at 0 degrees.
x | The number to be modulo'd. |
References ae_mod_360().
Referenced by ae_subobs_point().
double ae_mod_2pi | ( | double | x | ) |
Reduce x modulo 2 pi.
x | The number to be modulo'd. |
Referenced by ae_kepler().
double ae_mod_360 | ( | double | x | ) |
Reduce x modulo 360 degrees.
x | The number to be modulo'd. |
Referenced by ae_altaz_to_radec(), ae_gal_to_radec(), ae_gast(), ae_gmst(), ae_kepler(), ae_last(), ae_lmst(), ae_mod_180(), ae_phys_pole(), ae_radec_to_gal(), and ae_subobs_point().
void ae_nutate | ( | double | nutl, |
double | nuto, | ||
double | eps, | ||
double | p[], | ||
int | direction | ||
) |
Correct for nutation.
From AA page B20.
nutl | The nutation in longitude in seconds of arc (see ae_nutation_lon_ob()). |
nuto | The nutation in oblation in seconds of arc (see ae_nutation_lon_ob()). |
eps | The obliquity of the ecliptic in seconds of arc (see ae_epsilon()). |
p | The equitorial rectangular position vector for mean ecliptic and equinox of date. This is modified by the routine for nutation. |
direction | AE_TO_J2000 to nutate from jd_tt to J2000; AE_FROM_J2000 to nutate from J2000 to jd_tt . (If neither is passed, AE_TO_J2000 is assumed.) To nutate from jd_1 to jd_2, first go from jd_1 to J2000, and then from J2000 to jd_2. |
References AE_FROM_J2000, and AE_STR.
Referenced by ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit(), and aes_nutate().
void ae_nutation_lon_ob | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double * | nutl, | ||
double * | nuto | ||
) |
Calculate the nutation in longitude and oblation.
This program implements all of the 1980 IAU nutation series. Results checked at 100 points against the 1986 AA; all agreed.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
nutl | For returning the nutation in longitude, in seconds of arc. |
nuto | For returning the nutation in oblation, in seconds of arc. |
References ae_mod_3600, ae_nt_param, ae_nut_cc, ae_nut_ss, ae_nut_sscc(), and AE_STR.
Referenced by ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit(), ae_topocentric(), aes_last(), and aes_nutate().
void ae_phys_pole | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
double | jd_tt, | ||
const struct ae_physical_t * | phys, | ||
double | n[], | ||
double * | w | ||
) |
Calculate the axis of a body's north pole and its prime meridean.
Get the precessed, nutated direction of the body's north pole; also return the prime meridean.
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1. For reasonable accuracy, pass a date that has been corrected for light travel time, to get the position of the north pole and meridean as seen by the observer. |
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. This should not be corrected for light-travel time. |
phys | The physical parameters of the body. |
n | For returning the unit vector of the north pole, in equatorial units of date, in degrees. |
w | For returning the prime meridean, in degrees. |
References ae_physical_term_t::a, AE_DTR, AE_FROM_J2000, AE_J2000, ae_mod_360(), AE_PHYSICAL_D, AE_PHYSICAL_END, ae_polar_to_rect(), ae_precess(), aes_nutate(), ae_physical_term_t::b, ae_physical_term_t::c, ae_physical_term_t::d, ae_physical_t::dec_cos_term, ae_physical_t::pole_dec, ae_physical_t::pole_dec_t, ae_physical_t::pole_ra, ae_physical_t::pole_ra_t, ae_physical_t::ra_sin_term, ae_physical_term_t::time_var, ae_physical_t::w, ae_physical_t::w_d, ae_physical_t::w_d_sq, and ae_physical_t::w_sin_term.
Referenced by aes_subobs_point().
void ae_polar_to_rect | ( | double | ra, |
double | dec, | ||
double | radius, | ||
double | rect[] | ||
) |
Convert ra/dec/radius to a rectangular vector.
ra | The right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | The declination, in degrees. |
radius | The radius; the units of radius will determine the units of the output. |
rect | For returning the rectangular vector. |
References AE_DTR.
Referenced by ae_coord_to_constel_index(), ae_phys_pole(), ae_subobs_point(), and aes_subobs_point().
void ae_precess | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double | r[], | ||
int | direction | ||
) |
Precess a coordinate.
The precession is calcuated using ae_precess_coef, ae_precess_node_coef and ae_precess_incl_coef.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
r | A rectangular coordinate vector to be precessed. This routine returns the precessed coordinate in this parameter. |
direction | AE_TO_J2000 to precess from jd_tt to J2000; AE_FROM_J2000 to precess from J2000 to jd_tt . (If neither is passed, AE_TO_J2000 is assumed.) To precess from jd_1 to jd_2, first go from jd_1 to J2000, and then from J2000 to jd_2. |
References ae_epsilon(), AE_FROM_J2000, AE_J2000, ae_precess_coef, ae_precess_incl_coef, ae_precess_node_coef, AE_STR, and AE_TO_J2000.
Referenced by ae_coord_to_constel_index(), ae_geocentric(), ae_geocentric_from_cat(), ae_kepler(), ae_kepler_embofs(), ae_phys_pole(), and ae_rect_to_polar_with_jd().
void ae_radec_to_altaz | ( | double | last, |
double | glat, | ||
double | ra, | ||
double | dec, | ||
double * | alt, | ||
double * | az | ||
) |
Convert ra/dec to alt/az.
last | The local aparent sidereal time, in degrees. |
glat | The geodetic latitude, in degrees. |
ra | The right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | The declination, in degrees. |
alt | For returning the altitude, in degrees. |
az | For returning the azimuth, in degrees. |
References AE_DTR, AE_RTD, and ae_zatan2().
Referenced by ae_topocentric().
void ae_radec_to_gal | ( | double | ra, |
double | dec, | ||
double * | l, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | fk5 | ||
) |
Convert ra/dec to l/b (galactic coordinates).
ra | The right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | The declination, in degrees. |
l | For returning the galactic longitude, in degrees. |
b | For returning the galactic latitude, in degrees. |
fk5 | If non-zero, assume FK5 system (i.e., J2000 compatible); if zero, use the old FK4 (B1950 compatible) galactic pole. |
References AE_DTR, ae_mod_360(), and AE_RTD.
int ae_read_orbit_from_cat | ( | const char * | path, |
const char * | name, | ||
struct ae_orbit_t * | orb | ||
) |
Parse orbital elements from a catalogue file.
The catalogue file should be a columnated ASCII file. Lines starting with a hash ('#') are treated as comments. The columns are:
path | The location of the catalogue file. |
name | The name of the object, as it appears in the catalogue file. |
orb | For returning the orbital elements. If the routine fails, the information in el will be undefined. |
References ae_orbit_t::a, AE_RET_BAD_PATH, AE_RET_OBJ_NOT_FOUND, ae_orbit_t::dm, ae_orbit_t::ecc, ae_orbit_t::epoch, ae_orbit_t::equinox, ae_orbit_t::i, ae_orbit_t::L, ae_orbit_t::M, ae_orbit_t::name, ae_orbit_t::plat, ae_orbit_t::ptable, ae_orbit_t::r, ae_orbit_t::W, and ae_orbit_t::w.
int ae_read_star_from_cat | ( | const char * | path, |
const char * | name, | ||
struct ae_star_t * | star | ||
) |
Parse star positional data from a catalogue file.
The catalogue file should be a columnated ASCII file. Lines starting with a hash ('#') are treated as comments. The columns are:
path | The location of the catalogue file. |
name | The name of the star, as it appears in the catalogue file. |
star | For returning the star position data. If the routine fails, the information in el will be undefined. |
References AE_B1950, AE_J1900, AE_J2000, AE_RET_BAD_PATH, AE_RET_OBJ_NOT_FOUND, ae_star_t::dec, ae_star_t::epoch, ae_star_t::mag, ae_star_t::mudec, ae_star_t::mura, ae_star_t::name, ae_star_t::px, ae_star_t::ra, and ae_star_t::v.
void ae_rect_to_polar | ( | const double | rect[], |
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec, | ||
double * | radius | ||
) |
Convert an equatorial rectangular unit vector to ra/dec/radius.
rect | An equatorial rectangular vector. |
ra | For returning the right ascension, in degrees. |
dec | For returning the declination, in degrees. |
radius | For returning the radius. Set to NULL if you do not need this value. |
References AE_RTD, and ae_zatan2().
Referenced by ae_geocentric(), ae_geocentric_from_cat(), ae_geocentric_moon_from_orbit(), and ae_subobs_point().
void ae_rect_to_polar_with_jd | ( | double | pp[], |
double | jd, | ||
char | ofdate, | ||
double | polar[] | ||
) |
Convert equatorial rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates.
This routine is similar to ae_rect_to_polar(), except that it also performs //! any necessary precession.
pp | The equatorial rectangular coordinates. |
jd | The Julian date. |
ofdate | If 1, precess from J2000.0 to jd . |
polar | For returning the polar coordinates. |
References ae_epsilon(), AE_FROM_J2000, ae_precess(), AE_STR, and ae_zatan2().
double ae_refrac_ulich | ( | double | alt, |
void * | param | ||
) |
Atmospheric refraction correction (in millimetre bands).
This function is suitable for passing to ae_topocentric().
This function uses the equations from Ulich 1981. It does not cite which millimetre wavelength ranges it is expected to be good for. The ALMA memo 366 does analysis on another model and finds it good to 2% up to frequencies of 1000 GHz. (The worst is at 500 GHz.)
Ulich claims accuracy to 2" above altitudes of 3 degrees.
References: -B. L. Ulich. "Millimeter Wave Radio Telescopes: Gain and Pointing Charactersitics". International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2, 2 (1981).
alt | The altitude of the observation, in degrees. |
param | For passing the atmospheric pressure, in hPa, the temperature, in degrees centigrade and the surface humidity, as a percentage. These should be stored as doubles, such that: -pressure is in ((double *) param )[0], -temperature is in ((double *) param )[1]. -and humidity is in ((double *) param )[2]. |
double ae_refrac_visible | ( | double | alt, |
void * | param | ||
) |
Atmospheric refraction correction (in visible bands).
This function is suitable for passing to ae_topocentric().
For high altitude angle, AA page B61 is used. The accuracy is `usually about 0.1 arcsecond'.
The formula for low altitude is from the Almanac for Computers. It gives the correction for observed altitude, so has to be inverted numerically to get the observed from the true. The accuracy is about 0.2' for -20C < T < +40C and 970mb < P < 1050mb.
alt | The altitude of the observation, in degrees. |
param | For passing the atmospheric pressure, in millibar, and the temperature, in degrees centigrade. These should be stored as doubles, such that the pressure is in ((double *) param )[0] and the temperature in ((double *) param )[1]. |
References AE_DTR.
void ae_relativity | ( | double | p[], |
double | q[], | ||
double | o[] | ||
) |
Correct for light deflection due to solar gravitation.
Note that this blows up if the object is very near (or is) the sun. Therefore, if the sun-object or sun-object distance is zero, no correction is made.
See AA page B37.
p | The unit vector from observer to an object; this routine returns the corrected vector in this parameter. |
q | The heliocentric ecliptic rectangular coordinates of the object. |
o | The heliocentric ecliptic rectangular coordinates of the observer. |
Referenced by ae_geocentric(), and ae_geocentric_from_cat().
const char* ae_retcode_string | ( | int | retcode | ) |
For returning human readable return codes.
retcode | A return code. The absolute value will be used, so either a negative or positive number may be passed. |
References ae_retcode_name.
void ae_subobs_point | ( | double | j[], |
double | n[], | ||
double | w, | ||
double | f, | ||
int | retrograde, | ||
double * | lat, | ||
double * | lon | ||
) |
Calculate the sub-observer point.
The sub-observer point is the latitude and longitude on an observed body at the observer is directly over-head.
Note that all input values should be precessed and nutated to the epoch of observation.
WARNING: the longitude computed by this function is, for some reason, only accurate to tens of arc minutes when compared to HORIZONS (and I don't know why. Latitude is accurate to a fraction of an arc minute.
j | The unit vector pointing from the centre of the observed body to the observer. |
n | The unit vector of the north pole of the observed body, in equatorial coordinates of date. |
w | The prime meridean of the observed body, in degreees. |
f | The flattening of the observed body. |
retrograde | Pass non-zero value if the rotation is retrograde, i.e., the body rotates in the opposite sense of the earth's rotation. Pass 0 for prograde rotation. |
lat | For returning the sub-observer latitude, in degrees. |
lon | For returning the sub-observer longitude, in degrees. |
References AE_DTR, ae_mod_180(), ae_mod_360(), ae_polar_to_rect(), ae_rect_to_polar(), AE_RTD, ae_zatan2(), ae_physical_t::pole_dec, and ae_physical_t::pole_ra.
Referenced by aes_subobs_point().
double ae_tdb | ( | double | jd | ) |
void ae_topocentric | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double | jd_ut1, | ||
double | tlat, | ||
double | glat, | ||
double | tlong, | ||
double | trho, | ||
double(*)(double, void *) | refrac, | ||
void * | refrac_param, | ||
double | dist, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec | ||
) |
Apply diurnal aberrations and calculate topocentric altitude and azimuth.
Apply diurnal aberrations and calculate topocentric altitude and azimuth, given the geocentric apparent right ascension and declination. From AA page B60 and D3.
The geocentric coordinates can be obtained from ae_geocentric_from_orbit() or a similar routine.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1 measure. |
tlat | The geocentric latitude of the observer, in degrees. |
glat | The geodetic latitude of the observer, in degrees. |
tlong | The longitude of the observer, in degrees. |
trho | The distance from the centre of the earth to the observer, in earth radii. |
refrac | A routine that calculates refraction (pass NULL to perform no refraction correction). Its first argument is the altitude, in degrees. Its second argument is a void pointer for passing other parameters, which will be particular to the refraction algorithm. These parameters are passed via refrac_param . |
refrac_param | For passing auxiliary parameters to the refrac function. Pass NULL if refrac is not being used. |
dist | The geocentric distance to the object being observed, in AU. Pass 0 for extra-solar-system objects. |
ra | The right ascension of the object, in degrees; this routine returns the topocentric right ascension in this parameter. |
dec | The declination of the object, in degrees; this routine returns the topocentric declination in this parameter. |
References AE_ADD_ABERRATION, ae_altaz_to_radec(), ae_diurnal_aberration(), ae_diurnal_parallax(), ae_epsilon(), ae_last(), ae_nutation_lon_ob(), and ae_radec_to_altaz().
Referenced by aes_topocentric().
void ae_v_orbit | ( | double | jd_tt, |
const struct ae_orbit_t * | orb, | ||
double | v[] | ||
) |
Calculate the velocity of an object as it moves in its orbit.
The difference in velocity between this and assuming a circular orbit is only about 1 part in 10**4. Note that this gives heliocentric, not barycentric, velocity.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
orb | Orbital elements for the object. |
v | For returning the heliocentric, rectangular velocity, in AU per day. |
References ae_kepler().
Referenced by ae_geocentric_from_orbit(), ae_geocentric_sun_from_orbit(), and aes_subobs_point().
double ae_zatan2 | ( | double | x, |
double | y | ||
) |
Quadrant correct inverse circular tangent.
Returns radian angle between 0 and +2PI whose tangent is y/x.
Cephes Math Library Release 2.0: April, 1987 Copyright 1984, 1987 by Stephen L. Moshier. Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 Certain routines from the Library, including this one, may be used and distributed freely provided this notice is retained and source code is included with all distributions.
x | The denominator. |
y | The numerator. |
Referenced by ae_altaz_to_radec(), ae_delta_q(), ae_diurnal_parallax(), ae_fk4_to_fk5(), ae_kepler(), ae_radec_to_altaz(), ae_rect_to_polar(), ae_rect_to_polar_with_jd(), and ae_subobs_point().
double aes_ctime_to_last | ( | double | t, |
double | tlong | ||
) |
Calculate the local sidereal time from a C time.
This is a simplification of ae_ctime_to_last(). It automatically does the calculations of delta_t
, nutl
and eps
. Use ae_ctime_to_last() for more efficiency, especially with repeated calls.
t | The UNIX time at which to calculate the LST. |
tlong | The longitude of the observer, in degrees. |
References ae_ctime_to_jd(), AE_D_PER_S, ae_dut1(), and aes_last().
double aes_disc_solid_angle | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
const struct ae_orbit_t * | o_orb, | ||
const struct ae_orbit_t * | q_orb, | ||
const struct ae_physical_t * | phys | ||
) |
Calculate the solid angle of an observed disc.
This simplified routine is potentially less efficient, since the distance to the planet is calculated as well as the sub-earth latitude to find the semi-minor axis of the projected disc—ae_disc_solid_angle() and ae_disc_semiminor() can make use of precomputed values.
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1. |
o_orb | The orbital elements of the observer. |
q_orb | The orbital elements of the object being observed. |
phys | The physical elements of the object being observed. |
References ae_disc_semiminor(), ae_disc_solid_angle(), aes_subobs_point(), ae_physical_t::r_eq, and ae_physical_t::r_pole.
double aes_last | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
double | tlong | ||
) |
Get the local apparent sidereal time.
This is a simplified version of ae_last(), which automatically calculates jd_tt
, nutl
and eps
. It might be less efficient to use this routine if speed is required.
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1. |
tlong | The longitude of the observer in degrees. |
References AE_D_PER_S, ae_delta_t(), ae_epsilon(), ae_last(), and ae_nutation_lon_ob().
Referenced by aes_ctime_to_last().
void aes_nutate | ( | double | jd_tt, |
double | p[], | ||
int | direction | ||
) |
Correct for nutation.
This is a simplified version of ae_nutate(), which automatically calculates nutl
, nuto
and eps
. It might be less efficient to use this routine if speed is required.
jd_tt | The Julian date in TT. |
p | The equitorial rectangular position vector for mean ecliptic and equinox of date. This is modified by the routine for nutation. |
direction | AE_TO_J2000 to nutate from jd_tt to J2000; AE_FROM_J2000 to nutate from J2000 to jd_tt . (If neither is passed, AE_TO_J2000 is assumed.) To nutate from jd_1 to jd_2, first go from jd_1 to J2000, and then from J2000 to jd_2. |
References ae_epsilon(), ae_nutate(), and ae_nutation_lon_ob().
Referenced by ae_geocentric(), ae_geocentric_from_cat(), and ae_phys_pole().
void aes_subobs_point | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
const struct ae_orbit_t * | o_orb, | ||
const struct ae_orbit_t * | q_orb, | ||
const struct ae_physical_t * | phys, | ||
double * | lat, | ||
double * | lon, | ||
double * | dist | ||
) |
Calculate the sub-observer point.
This is a simplified version of ae_subobs_point(). It automatically calculates the requisite unit vectors, given the orbital and physical elements of the bodies.
The sub-observer point is the latitude and longitude on an observed body at the observer is directly over-head.
This routine includes corrections for light-travel time, annual aberration, precession and nutation.
WARNING: the longitude computed by this function is, for some reason, only accurate to tens of arc minutes when compared to HORIZONS (and I don't know why. Latitude is accurate to a fraction of an arc minute.
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1. |
o_orb | The orbital elements of the observer. |
q_orb | The orbital elements of the object being observed. |
phys | The physical elements of the object being observed. |
lat | For returning the sub-observer latitude, in degrees. |
lon | For returning the sub-observer longitude, in degress. |
dist | For returning the distance to the object, in AU. Set to NULL if you do not require this value. Note that this returns the distance between the centres of the two bodies. |
References AE_D_PER_S, ae_delta_t(), ae_flattening(), ae_geocentric(), ae_is_retrograde(), ae_kepler(), ae_light_t(), ae_phys_pole(), ae_polar_to_rect(), ae_subobs_point(), ae_v_orbit(), and ae_physical_t::w.
Referenced by aes_disc_solid_angle().
void aes_topocentric | ( | double | jd_ut1, |
double | glat, | ||
double | tlong, | ||
double | dist, | ||
double * | ra, | ||
double * | dec | ||
) |
Apply diurnal aberrations and calculate topocentric altitude and azimuth.
This is a simplified version of ae_topocentric(), which automatically calculates jd_tt
, tlat
and trho
. It assumes that the altitude of the observer is at sea level. It also uses no atmospheric model. It might be less efficient to use this routine if speed is required.
jd_ut1 | The Julian date in UT1 measure. |
glat | The geodetic latitude of the observer, in degrees. |
tlong | The longitude of the observer, in degrees. |
dist | The geocentric distance to the object being observed, in AU. Pass 0 for extra-solar-system objects. |
ra | The right ascension of the object, in degrees; this routine returns the topocentric right ascension in this parameter. |
dec | The declination of the object, in degrees; this routine returns the topocentric declination in this parameter. |
References ae_delta_t(), ae_geocentric_lat(), AE_S_PER_D, and ae_topocentric().
const char* ae_constel_name[] |
A list of constellation names.
Cancri is also abbreviated `Cnc'.
Referenced by ae_cat_to_constel_index().
struct ae_plantbl_t ae_mlat404 |
Ephemeris for the moon.
These are with respect to the mean ecliptic and equinox of date.
Referenced by ae_gmoon().
struct ae_plantbl_t ae_mlr404 |
Ephemeris data for the moon.
These are with respect to the mean equinox and ecliptic of date.
Referenced by ae_gmoon().
struct ae_orbit_t* ae_orb_planet[] |
Pointers to the planetary orbit objects.
The indices correspond to ae_ss_bodies_t.
struct ae_physical_t* ae_phys_planet[] |
Pointers to the planetary physical information objects.
The indices correspond to ae_ss_bodies_t.
const char* ae_ss_name[] |
The names of the solar system bodies.
The indices correspond to ae_ss_bodies_t.
AEPHEM documentation generated by Doxygen v1.8.9.1 at Sat Aug 1 2015 15:02:46. |