Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cae_jpl_handle_tFor holding information on a JPL ephemeris file
 Cae_orbit_tFor holding information on an orbit
 Cae_physical_tFor holding information on a body's physical and rotational properties
 Cae_physical_term_tThe coefficients for sine/cosine terms in a body's rotation data
 Cae_planet_map_tFor storing a planetary map
 Cae_plantbl_tFor holding data on planetary ephemerides
 Cae_ring_geometry_tFor storing information on a planet's (i.e., Saturn's) rings
 Cae_saturn_temp_model_tFor modelling Saturn's emission
 Cae_star_tFor holding information on a star/planet
 Cae_stokes_tFor holding Stokes parameters